, materiality, and abstraction in her work. Her signature is the fast, freely sewn line that represents liberation from perfectionism, raw beauty, and the value of imperfection.
In her graphic text works, the act of creation itself – the force of the sewing machine needle perforating the fabric – intensifies the power of the repetitively written words. Common to all her works is the line and the textile grid as visual tools.
Born 1979 in Wels and lives and works as a freelance artist in Vorarlberg. She studied pharmacy at the University of Innsbruck as well as textile/art and design at the University of Arts Linz under Marga Persson and cultural management at the Institute for Cultural Concepts in Vienna.
Bianca Lugmayr
Selected Exhibitions
Palais Thurn und Taxis, Bregenz (Group Show) Städtische Galierie Fauler Pelz, Überlingen (Group Show) Rethinking Tradition, Landestheater Bregenz (Group Performance Show) Klocker Museum, Hall i.Tirol (Group Show)
Dye Dynamite, Pulverturm Feldkirch (Solo)
Kleine Formate, Villa Claudia Feldkirch (Group Show)
Vault.Sewing. Trumpet (Duo)
Rethinking.tradition, Südtirol – Vorarlberg (Group Performance Show)
Zollart Textile Intervention, Koblach (Solo)
Poststelle Schwarzenberg (Solo)
Galerie Z, Hard (Solo)
Galerie 9 und 20, Bregenz (Solo)
Emsiana, Hohenems (Group Show)
Alle, Palais Thurn und Taxis, Bregenz (Group Show)
Unterm Strich, Villa Claudia, Feldkirch (Group Show)
Schiele Award 2022, Minoritenkloster, Tulln (Group Show)
Wenn Material zur Form wird, Artenne Nenzing (Group Show)
Kunsthotel Hirschen Schwarzenberg (Solo)
Heimspiel 2021, Feldkirch (Open Studio)
Gesponnen, bemessen, beschnitten, Kollektiv, Bregenz (Solo)
Warum Kunst, Palais Thurn und Taxis, Bregenz (Group Show)
Wechselspiel, Zollart Schauraum, Koblach (Group Show)
Vom Schatten ans Licht, Musica Femina, Wien (Solo)
Round 72, Bregenz (Group Show)
Feministival 2021, Chybulski, Feldkirch (Group Show)
Residency, Borgo Museo di Pistoia, Castagno di Piteccio, Italy
Kunstlager II, Villa Claudia, Feldkirch (Group Show)
An Vogel, Palais Thurn und Taxis, Bregenz (Group Show)
Augentrost, ORF Funkhaus, Vorarlberg (Group Show)
Geburtskultur, Frauenmuseum, Hittisau (Group Show)
Chybulski, Feldkirch (Solo)
Was berührt Dich?, Alte Seifenfabrik, Lauterach
Art prize and Collections
Sammlung Illwerke VKW
Sammlung Land Vorarlberg
Nominierung Schiele Award 2022
Frauenkunstförderpreis der Anne Goldenberg Stiftung
Künstlerhaus Vereinigung Wien
Kunst Vorarlberg
Berufsvereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Vorarlbergs
IG Bildende Kunst Wien
— Anne Zühlke
Selected Work
Image Credits: Angela Lamprecht, Ivo Vögel Fotografie
Bianca Lugmayr delves deeply into language, materiality, and abstraction in her work. Her signature is the fast, freely sewn line that represents liberation from perfectionism, raw beauty, and the value of Imperfection.